When shopping around for any type of product or service, informed consumers look at three factors:
- Cost
- Quality
- Convenience
Generally, when consumers are looking for a product or service, they will sacrifice at least one of these three factors in this decision. For instance, you may have previously seen a physical therapist who was in-network and took a co-payment for each session. Generally, in these instances, you have sacrificed the quality of service over cost because it’s that physical therapist's goal to get as many patients in at one time to cover the costs of those small co-payments.
This situation may be initially convenient for you, but did you sacrifice your recovery? Or was well-enough good enough? This is where SPARK Physiotherapy comes in.
Why Is the SPARK Approach Unique?
Many of the people that we initially evaluated have seen other physical therapists. They were not completely satisfied with the amount of time that the PT spent with them, and they are still not back to their former functional level of fitness.
SPARK is a cash-based physical therapy and all-the-way-well clinic. Full payment is due at the time of service, but you receive a concierge quality of care you did not previously receive.
What Is Concierge Quality of Care?
At SPARK Physiotherapy, you get the quality and convenience you deserve. You and you alone are with your dedicated physical therapist for the entire hour of your session. We do not employ PT techs or aides to “watch” you do your physical therapy exercises.
Are your therapies driven by your insurance company? At a typical physical therapy clinic, your therapies are chosen for you based on whether they will be able to bill your third-party insurance carrier for them. At SPARK, we provide therapies that are in line with your goals to get you off the table and back to functional movement.
Although we run a cash-based practice, we help you to get reimbursed as much as possible from your insurance company. We'll even help you fight the inevitable automatic denials.